Jerrene’s Services

coach. mentor. team builder.

“People are self-correcting; they just need a committed listening.” In the world of communication, we place so much emphasis on speaking and rarely listen. The world is so noisy, we often can’t hear Our Self.

As a committed listener, I provide you with a highly skilled way of listening so you can discover the next best direction for you. Deep down, you know what’s best for you and are fully capable! 


We hire a coach to help us develop better skills in sports, fitness, career, performance, even finances. All of these make us better on the outside. We rarely think of a coach to help us find peace, confidence, joy and love on the inside.  
As a life coach, I help you discover the blindspots that are keeping you from tapping into your most honest and authentic self so you can experience confidence, serenity, fun, and a true sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in everything you do!


As a mentor, I will teach you new ways to distinguish your world. These distinctions are universal and will transform how you relate to yourself and the world around you. This is where the rubber meets the road! As you practice these distinctions you will experience clarity, certainty, focus, and a renewed excitement and enthusiasm for your life.

Team Builder

In businesses, teams often face similar challenges as individuals. High performance in an organization is a direct reflection of the internal state of the team. I teach your leaders seven practices that empower teams to work with efficiency, productivity, and fun!